The sun has set, we have been flying most of a day that none of us wants to end. I haven’t even thought about landing, I want to fly until I cannot see. We are still a long way from where the dinghy should be and I’m hoping it is just the light that robs us of the view. But in my gut I know we are screwed. Marooned.
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The Last of His Kind
Rajan is one of the few salt water swimming elephants on Earth. Initially trained to carry out brutal logging work in the Andaman Islands in the 70’s, he was forced to swim with massive loads. Now retired, at 60 years old he is the last of the group to survive.
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Journey Through the Sahara
Words and Photographs by Jody MacDonald on assignment for Leica When I was young I used to look through National Geographic magazines and dream of adventures like this – train hopping through the Sahara Desert on one of the world’s…
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